An Old Profile

This is an old profile that I had created in 1998, when I started searching for jobs after my MBA. I had attached this profile as the last page of my normal resume. My friends said this was great reading but I dont think any recruiter would have read this.

Most of the things about me still hold true and ofcourse time has changed me. But I have not altered anything in this; giving it as it was.

The opening line was inspired from a letter that I found in a book about David Ogilvy. The maestro had received it from someone and liked it. And I liked it too...

About myself ...........

I am the son of an Ex-Service man; my mother is a housewife. We are three kids. My elder brother works in Delhi, as a Data Entry Operator and doing his MCA through correspondence. Younger sister is graduating in Botany.

My primary schooling was done in my native place. Then I moved to a school in a nearby town, from where I got selected to Navodaya Vidyalaya and the Government of India bore the full costs of my education from 6th standard to 12th standard. All during my education, I was very curious and studious and was genuinely interested in all curricular and extra-curricular activities. Never did I miss a chance to get on to the stage or get in to the ground.

During my graduation in Zoology at S. B. College, Changanassery, I learned to be religious. I taught in the Sunday School and became the treasurer and secretary of the Parish unit of the Church Student Movement. It provided ample opportunities to lead and organise various programmes.

I am a voracious reader and often friends say that it is very difficult for me to keep hands off any book in sight. Unwanted and wasted materials interest me and I am good at creating value out of them. Perfection is in my blood but even compromise gives me good things. I can systematically collect and store information as well as materials and thus owns majority of the fun-writings, cartoons, etc. appeared in the classroom during my MBA course.

I have good logic, but illogical and creative ideas always fascinate me. Thinking and dreaming are something that I always do and sometimes they are written down. I become lazy and lethargic when I do not find work to do. So I try to be a part of all human endeavours going on around me.

I long to be the part of an organisation which is like a family, which holds and stands for its value system, where I would continuously learn and contribute to the growth and development of the organisation. My dream is to create and own a good organisation. I would like to be an employer who develop the employees and their families. I feel that this way an organisation can grow.